Contact Information

Wheatley Building
2nd Floor Rm. 097
(617) 287-5671 Director: Peter Kiang

Our Individual Contacts:

► SonCa Lam

► Song-Kha Nguyen

► Janet Vo

► Richard Truong

► Chu Huang

AsAmSt Faculty Interview: Phuong Nguyen

Educational Experiences:
University of Houston, BS in Psychology
Stephen F. Austin State University, Masters in Psychology
University of Massachusetts of Boston, In Progress PhD in Clinical Psychology

Areas of Academic Expertise and Interests:
Asian American Psychology
Mental Health Issues of Asian Americans
Identity Development

Current Research Projects/Community Work:
• In progress dissertation focused on, "How attitude and perceptions of racialized peer groups affect the development of racial identity, ethnic identity and cultural orientation of second generation Vietnamese American males. "
• Taught courses: ASAMST294 Resources for Vietnamese American Studies and ASAMST Asian American Psychology

A native of Texas, Phuong Nguyen came to UMASS Boston in 2003, specifically for the Clinical Psychology program. Phuong's interest in clinical psychology developed during his undergraduate and graduate career from his vision of being able to apply his knowledge and skills to help especially those who lacked resource and who come from different cultural backgrounds. Eventually, Phuong hopes to return to Houston to practice when he completes his degree.

While at UMB, he has been able to benefit from and give back to the AsAmSt program. Phuong is currently working on his dissertation, interning at Mass General Hospital and teaching AsAmSt 294 Resources for Vietnamese American Studies for the 2nd time this Spring '07 Semester. Phuong has expressed how the program has provided him with many resources, networking opportunities and connections to the community and others with the same interests. For Phuong, the program has also solidified and contributed to his interests in working in mental health field and with the Vietnamese American community.

Phuong believes that the AsAmSt classes have provided a space for students to be able to talk, be heard and to have their experience validated, as it did for him. He sees the program as inspiring to students, teaching and motivating them to try to impact through small changes. As a result, he has taken on the opportunities of teaching AsAmSt courses himself- because of his own interests, learning and belief in giving back to the program.

*If you could pick any superpower in the world, what would it be and why?
The power to heal, particularly people's pain and diseases. Through the work I do, I can see the pain people go through. To take it away, would change the world.



7:00am - Usually in bed! But will change in July when I start my internship.

9:00am - Wake-up, brush teeth, eat something light for breakfast, check email, read the morning news, check the weather

10:00am - Usually talk to my partner by phone (she currently lives in MD)

11:00am - Get dressed for the day

12:00pm - Drive to UMB, eat lunch at school or pick up something on the way

1:00pm - Work on dissertation, conduct interviews, transcriptions, writing

3:00pm - Spend some time preparing for Wednesday lecture, usually involves reading literature, previewing videos, and planning class exercises

6:00pm - Head home (hopefully I don't get stuck in traffic on the expressway)

7:00pm - Have dinner at home or maybe have dinner out with friends

9:00pm - Watch a little TV, maybe catch the end of a ball game, talk to my partner for a couple of hours

11:00pm - Check and reply to my email, sometimes talk to my family and friends in Texas

12:00am - Get ready for bed

1:00am - I usually try to be in bed by 1am most nights.